M50 Profile Cycling Instructions

The M50 mouse allows you to configure and customize 5 profile settings. While you must use the M50 Driver Software to setup your profiles, you do not need the software to actually swap between profiles. These profiles are actually saved onto the memory of the mouse, allowing you to take the mouse wherever and have your profile settings ready to go.

To cycle between profiles, please follow these instructions :

  • Start up the M50 driver software.
  • Choose one of the buttons as your Profile Cycling key. As per the screen capture below, we’ve used the DPI Up button and made it function as the Profile Cycle for Profile 1. Click Apply, and in each profile, make the same button your Profile Cycle function.

Division Zero M50 Profile Cycling

  • After applying the Profile Cycle setting, the user can set MAIN, BUTTON and LIGHT SETTINGS in each Profile page, then apply the setting. But the user should at least keep one button as the Profile Cycle button.
  • Once this has been completed for each of the 5 five profiles, click apply to save your settings and click OK. You may now cycle between each profile by clicking the button you’ve assigned as the Profile Cycle function.