Q Software Basics

Q Software Basics, For Use With Your Q Series Keyboard (4Q, X50Q, 5Q, 5QS)

For this article, keys and key combinations will be represented by bold italics. 

Das Keyboard's Q Software is a specialized, cloud-based software companion to our Q Series keyboards. It's purpose is to bring maximum customization and productivity to your smart-keyboard. It's functions can be split into two categories: Customization and Applets.

Customization Basics:

You can use our Q Software to customize your smart-keyboard's colors and key animations.

Upon selecting the RGB Profiles tab (1), you will see multiple customization presets for your keyboard. You can also create a custom preset by clicking the plus symbol to the bottom right of the tab (2).

You may access and switch between all of your profiles/presets by clicking them in the profile selection window (3).

When a profile is selected, it will show in the middle of the Q Software on a diagram of your keyboard (4). This is also where any board aesthetic customization will take place.

To edit your keys you can click them in the diagram (singular keys), CTRL-click them (selecting multiple individual keys), or drag your mouse across them (selecting clusters of keys). Upon selection, you will be able to customize your keys in different ways using the bar at the bottom of the screen (5).

Play around with different settings in the customization menu, passive effects, active effects to see what you enjoy; you can even set a profile to activate upon opening certain programs.

Applet Basics:

The other function of our Q Software is the Applets center, which makes up the "smart" functionalities of your board.

You can access/edit your applets by clicking the APPLETS tab when in your configure menu (1).

This screen will show you applets that you have installed, applets that you can discover, applets that you have disabled, and where your applets are placed on your board.

For example, in this screenshot I have the Gmail alerts applet installed (2). This applet will tell me when I have an email from certain addresses by flashing the key that I have chosen for the applet (3).

You can install and discover applets by using the Discover menu (4). Each applet has a different function, and when you click through them they will describe themselves and their function so that you may know if they are a fit for you. If you wish to install an applet, the Q Software will walk you through the install process very simply.

In the screenshot below, you can see the DASHBOARD screen. This will show you all of your applets and any notifications they may have for you. This screen can be accessed by pressing the Q button on your keyboard or by pressing DASHBOARD at the top of the Q Software.

In the screenshot, you can see an example notification from the Gmail applet (1). The applet is telling me that I have a message from a specific address. Now that I know, I can press the trash button to get rid of the notification until I receive my next message (2).

For advanced Q Software information, please reach out to our helpdesk.